所以情侣同居后到底是 #谁应该打扫?! 是男生还是女生?
解决方法只需要“它”!!! . 我们先声明,扫地机是扫地的啊!
#MORSE 是一家专注提供智能家用电器的马来西亚品牌。
我们致力于生产性价比极高的智能家用电器。 因为专注,所以极致 !
Most of the time we quarrel, 90% because nobody wants to clean up.
Couples will have to figure out who needs to do the house chores?!
The only solution is "this"!!!
This vacuum cleaner only vacuum & mop.
Don't ask me why this vacuum couldn't wash clothes!
If you want to wash clothes, buy a washing machine, please!
#MORSE is a Malaysian brand that focuses on providing smart home appliances.
We are committed to producing smart home appliances with high-quality performance.
The most cost-effective intelligent sweeping robot!